Why DIY Vacuuming Isn’t a Replacement for Professional Carpet Cleaning?

It’s no wonder a well-decorated carpet can elevate the interior decor and upgrade the visual aesthetics of your home if maintained in top shape. Homeowners who have a pricey carpet installed at home usually resort to DIY vacuuming using a high-efficiency filter thinking that it can extract surface contaminants and extend the longevity of carpets. … Continue reading Why DIY Vacuuming Isn’t a Replacement for Professional Carpet Cleaning?

Why Professional Bond Cleaning is Always a Wise Choice for 100% Refund?

Most tenants dread the hustle that comes with relocation and looks for time-saving tips to expedite the task. While moving offers whole new exciting possibilities, the process is quite arduous and challenging. Dirty upholstery, soiled carpet and filthy walls can agitate property owners to the extent where they can withhold the bond and demand a … Continue reading Why Professional Bond Cleaning is Always a Wise Choice for 100% Refund?